Iris feels alone after her memory is wiped and she is locked in a room with nothing but a doll in a box
Still Life with Iris
Iris is trapped in a box. The material used by the set team was refletive so lighting was chosen specifically to hide that reflection.
Still Life with Iris
The Goods only own one of each thing. To help tell the story, I was inspired by museums. In the end, we were left with this unsettling atmosphere which foreshadowed the Goods' alternative motives.
The Alibis
Although one of the characters is help captive, the scene is quite wholesome. So I made sure to keep the lighting warm.
The Alibis
A hamster is found dead in a jewerly box in a moment of choas. To add to the scene, I used bright red for the reveal right before the scene spirals.
The Alibis
After the detective reveals herself as a murderer, I wanted to give the lighting a bit of a red undertone. However, I didn't make the red too noticible since it is a fakeout and she actually didn't kill anyone.